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Is the property node the parameter node? (I'm still a bit into UDK slang) and it does not update any node.
Yes and it does so on my home laptop and my pc at work.
Thx for the quick answer!!
In that case I'm fine with it either way :) still thumbs up for the editor by the way!! Really like it!!
Ok 1 last question; is there a big difference between using a vector 4 property or the color property?
I mean in the clip an transmission shader you use the vector 4 and does it make a difference performance wise to use a color property? Thx
Nice did not know it was there!! I thought the way to get a color was with the vector node;) Thx for the quick response!
The standard Unity materials has a color picker in the Main Color or Specular Color node, but I guess that can't be be the same in the shader forge materials? Forgive me if I say something stupid I'm just an artist;p
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