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Thats pretty cool :)

Cool that works. The coloured Specular channel though should make my Sepcular colour yellow in the PBL example shouldn't it? We would want coloured for conductors and white/grey for all others.

PS, It seems that in conserving mode in Phong and BlinnPhong, its very hard to get a bright, intense specular, it is better in Linear colour mode but still, seems the conserving is a little conservative? :)

k, then I think something might be up :)


Energy Conserving

Link to shader + textures..


Great, the main reason I want to put RGB in the Spec is to mix metal and non metal spec in one texture, like a gold buckle on a leather belt etc.

In basic terms then..

Gloss is the way I want to use it, is is basically roughness, a white circle in the gloss gives me bright, tight shiny spec in that area, a black circle in the gloss give me very feint, diffuse low intensity glow in that area.

If I add a yellow circle to the white area in the Specular, I will get a shiny yellow area and a yellow circle in the black area will be a dull 'rouge' yellow?

OK cool, thanks, so if I am using conserving model, I basically just feed a map into gloss and ignore specular?

Or when you say linked I can do either or - as in can I still do coloured spec to simulate metals etc.?

OK, done some more homework :P

I get fresnel and visibility terms in the PBL mode but still have a question about conservation..

In both PBL and Conservetion I would still expect to be be able to do RGB on the Specular and Greyscale in the Gloss, is this correct?

So the specular only dictates the colour of the specular highlight/reflection and the Gloss determines the intensity based on 'roughness'?

I assume we still feed a cube map (or a future reflection) into the emission input?

Yeah this isn't going to work, previously I have done this with vertex colours but I was trying to use slope instead but I think it's going to get messy :)

he he, yeah, OK, so I am a more confused now, sorry to hijack this thread.

I want IF to have three outputs based on my test I would have to nest them

I want to do 

LERPA if test A<B

LERPB if test is >A && <B

LERPC if test is >B

eek, sure I am doing this wrong :D

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