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Looks like this is related to the silly 0.5/2 issues all over Unity's lighting. In all my tests, the shader got 50% of the ambient color. So an ambient of 100% white contributed to 50% gray in the shader.

Not sure if I should actually do this, as a *2 will add an instruction to all shaders using ambient. Might make it a checkbox

I'll see if I can get this done for the release after the next one!

How does your shader look? What's your diffuse color?

Is it standard to delete your selection with backspace in Mac? As in, if you select files and hit backspace, would that be the same as selecting and pressing delete in Windows?

This is quite an odd issue where the node connections lose their output type/component count when you open them, so it's not just the refraction shader! A workaround is to reconnect the inputs of the node(s) before the node that connects to the refraction

Sadly it would be quite a massive jump, and way beyond the scope of the project at the moment. If it becomes massively popular and a ton of people would want it, then perhaps! But for now it's too much work for something that probably won't be used *that* much

This is due to the normal map not being marked as a normal map in the SF shader, thus not unpacking the normals when rendering the shader. I'll rename this task to be about a clear indicator on the Texture nodes to actually show if it's being read as a normal map or not :)

Kundesupport af UserEcho