Dine kommentarer

That's very strange, and sounds more like an issue on Unity's end rather than Shader Forge
You might have to delete and recreate those nodes and/or shaders, since they were created in such an old version
You should report the issue to Unity, and send the entire crashlog to them. When you get issues in the C++ codebase, there's nothing I can do to fix it, unfortunately.

Marking it as "fixed" for lack of a better tag
I really have no idea why this might happen. If you try the reinstall procedure now, after having disabled DX11; does it work properly?
Hey Trent!
If you're getting that error, you just need to update to the latest version of SF, and it should work out :)
How about if you disable DirectX11 support in your project, and then try again?
Are you using some special texture type?
But those errors are unlike anything I've ever seen. They're not even related to the shader itself.

Is that the topmost error in the console?

Kundesupport af UserEcho