Tus comentarios

Odd, will have to look into that. Are you using deferred or forward rendering?

"render the depth of field properly" ?

So, essentially, branch on SHADER_API_OPENGL and make sure to add #pragma glsl.

I'll try it in a bit! Currently working on getting all the features in now for the first beta release, will try and fix as many bugs as possible during the beta.

That's interesting! I've tried getting it to work, without success before (Which is why OpenGL is blocked when you connect it)

I presume this will work for tex2d mips as well?

Doesn't have to be a texture, can be a color or value as well. Multiply your emission with a slider from 0-1 and see what happens when you drag it :)

Yeah, that's a bug, I'll look into it

Ah, good catch! Thanks :)

Edit: This is now implemented in 0.15!

This is a general issue when hotkeys are incorrectly managed, pressing C again in this case would temporarily solve it! Anyhow, need to fix this down the line!

Edit: Copy/Paste/Cut/Duplicate functionality has now been implemented in 0.15 :)