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The disconnect issue is related to the Append and Component mask nodes, due to their dynamic nature, so it's a known issue :)

The time node only animates when SF is open, because "Game Time" doesn't run in the editor, so the shaders are compiled with a parameter of "Editor Time" that only Shader Forge can keep up-to-date. It's a planned fix: http://shaderforge.userecho.com/topic/249187-shaders-using-the-time-node-doesnt-animate-in-game/

Separating the texture samplers and the tex2D function is planned! It is a bit tricky though in terms of interaction design, as it might get confusing if there are a plethora of additional texture related nodes, and you don't know which one to use from the beginning. Having just one Texture2D, Texture3D and Cubemap node makes things easier, but, as you mention there, it's not a very good system for when you need to sample a single texture with different UV coords or MIP levels.

What happens when you click the color picker in both cases?

Does the window defocus, as if something did try to pop up but disappeared immediately? 

Could you elaborate "color not being updated properly"?

Thanks for the bug report :)

Seems pretty cool! I'm not sure if it's *that* useful though, but I'll consider it! I suppose votes will tell :)