Your comments

That's a separate issue. Currently, you can't use any geometry data (Such as the normal/view vector) going into the alpha clip. Feel free to open a bug request on that :)

You can always use both spec and gloss. For PBL you are usually alright with feeding a texture into the gloss, and putting a constant value into the spec :)

Just using the energy conservation checkbox will "link" your gloss and specularity. Increasing gloss will increase spec, decreasing gloss will decrease spec, in an energy conserving manner.

PBL is a bit more advanced, as it's a self-shadowing microfacet model, and also takes the fresnel effect into account. You should still be able to do color in spec and a greyscale value in gloss. However, the PBL model expects the gloss value to be between 0 and 1, as opposed to the regular gloss setting which expects it to be from 1 to, well, very high!

Fresnel will alter the specular intensity based on the angle at which you view it, if your spec is below 1, which simulates the real fresnel effect taking place when light hits surfaces :)

It's a planned feature, but hasn't gotten priority yet! The same goes for the Append node, which should also support more than two inputs :)

Thanks for the suggestion and images!

This is now fixed, as in, SF will tell you to update Unity to 4.2 or later if you try to launch it with an old version of Unity :)