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Tooltips, documentation etc are all planned, but currently other features are prioritized, as the documentation needs to be up-to-date and all :)

I'll probably en up having tooltips in SF itself, and also add links to read more from an official documentation on a SF website

I'm working on this at the moment, it will be released with alpha 0.11 :)

Seems to be a bug introduced in 0.10, quite a critical one too, I'll see if I can get it fixed for a 0.10b version :)

Edit: This is now fixed in alpha 0.10b! Check the download section to get the latest version

Seems to be a bug introduced in 0.10, quite a critical one too, I'll see if I can get it fixed for a 0.10b version :)

Implemented in Alpha 0.10 :)

After Multiplying all emissive with Vector3(1,1,1): 

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho