
[Debug] Create a "print" node

Loic Cayuela 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Hi ! I'm learning shaders through your plugin and so far that's very exciting !

But as a beginner, sometimes I don't understand what's going on with my nodes, it will be VERY helpful if you could add some "print" node that will simply display the input on the editor without doing anything else.

I searched a bit on google and on this site about this feature, but I didn't find anything like that.

Please close it if you already know a similar request.

Thanks !



What would it print and where?

It's not really possible since it's all done on the GPU I'm afraid


What would it print and where?

It's not really possible since it's all done on the GPU I'm afraid

Like you have a time node then a ceil, and then this node showing the value inside a box in real time for example. I was afraid you would said that...