
Alpha not displaying in Shader Forge

Jason Charles Smith Spencer 9 years ago updated by Grhyll 8 years ago 1

Shader Forge 1.26

Unity 5.3.3f1

The alpha channels are not being displayed in the node previews. I do know the alpha is displaying and working as I can plug it into a diffuse and see it in the preview window. But for example if I take that same alpha and multiply it by 1 I can not see a preview. It shows only as black. Plug that same multiplied node into diffuse however and you see the alpha in the preview.

Not sure if I should file a new ticket, since this one is 11 months old, but I'm having the same issue.

You can see that alpha isn't correctly shown in the node previews, although the final preview is correct. Not a showstopper, but definitely unhelpful when experimenting...

(The top "Add" node is plugged into Emission, and the bottom "Max" node into Opacity.)