
How can I put together three functions on the graph is on a map in the UV?

Mingpo Huang 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 years ago 3

Image 618

These are the three functions to achieve horizontal and vertical flip and rotation, how the three companies in a UV map



There's no way to use multiple UVs, there's only one UV coordinate when sampling a texture. Please ask this in the forums (http://neatcorporation.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=4), this place is for bug reports and feature requests, not "how do I" questions


You'll need to figure out based on what parameters you want to blend them. Anyhow, this is a question for the forums!

Do not understand, one can only enter a UV map is not right, but I do now have three UV, one of which can only be achieved, how do I put them synthesize a node tree, and finally enter a UV can have three functions .


There's no way to use multiple UVs, there's only one UV coordinate when sampling a texture. Please ask this in the forums (http://neatcorporation.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=4), this place is for bug reports and feature requests, not "how do I" questions