Under review

Shader compile is not setting proper UnityGI variable syntax

Manish 9 років тому оновлено Freya Holmér (Developer) 8 років тому 2

We have a shader that has a section under "/////// GI Data:".. inside it has a line

UnityGIInput d;

After using this shader in a scene that has Global Illumination on it, the Unity build will not complete without errors as we get a shader compilation error of "Shader error in '<shaderName>': variable 'd' used without having been completely initialized at line <x> "

Per http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UpgradeGuide5-Shaders.html, which says "You need to fully initialize output variables. Use UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT helper macro, just like you would on D3D11."

So we edited the shader code to be

UnityGIInput d;


And everything Unity-compiled fine. That is, until we had to modify the shader clicked the "compile" button in shader forge. Doing to removed the "UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(UnityGIInput, d);" line every time.

We believe shader forge should always fully init the output variables when it generates shader code.

Any idea how to fix this permanently?


Under review

I'll get this fixed in the next update!