
Draw silhouette behind objetct

Deo vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert vor 8 Jahren 2

Is there any way to draw a silhouette when the object it's behind another one?

Image 655



Yes I did, shader forge doesn't have support for multi shaders, so do this:

1. Shader Forge - PBR: Create your normal material.

2. Shader Forge - Unlit: Create your silhoutte material

3. Code:

Shader "Your Name" {

Properties {

// Each properties of the both shaders PBR & Unlit


SubShader {

// Shader Unlit

Pass {}

// Shader PBR

Pass {}


FallBack "Diffuse"


Hi, Did you find any way to do this in Shader Forge. Right now trying exactly the same thing ?


Yes I did, shader forge doesn't have support for multi shaders, so do this:

1. Shader Forge - PBR: Create your normal material.

2. Shader Forge - Unlit: Create your silhoutte material

3. Code:

Shader "Your Name" {

Properties {

// Each properties of the both shaders PBR & Unlit


SubShader {

// Shader Unlit

Pass {}

// Shader PBR

Pass {}


FallBack "Diffuse"
