
Error in Unity 5.4.0b24: LoadAssetAtPath is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor

Morten 9 years ago updated by Andrew Keplinger 8 years ago 8

I'm getting an error in Unity 5.4.0b24

LoadAssetAtPath is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in OnEnable instead. Called from ScriptableObject 'SF_Editor'.
See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details.
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:LoadAssetAtPath(String, Type)
ShaderForgeMaterialInspector:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/3rdParty/ShaderForge/Editor/InternalResources/Inspectors/ShaderForgeMaterialInspector.cs:85)

and also

UnityException: LoadAssetAtPath is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in OnEnable instead. Called from ScriptableObject 'SF_Editor'.
See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details.
ShaderForge.SF_Resources.LoadInterfaceIcon (System.String name)
ShaderForge.SF_GUI.get_Icon ()
ShaderForge.SF_Editor..ctor ()
ShaderForgeMaterialInspector:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/3rdParty/ShaderForge/Editor/InternalResources/Inspectors/ShaderForgeMaterialInspector.cs:85)

I know it's still a beta version, but I figure it probably will show up in the upcoming release.



This has been fixed in 1.27


This has been fixed in 1.27

Longtime fan. Love Shader Forge. When do you think 1.27 will be available Joachim? I am on a time sensitive project that is forced to use 5.4.0b23 or higher. I can pop back and make stuff in 5.3 and then copy it to 5.4 but the workflow is not great moving through projects like that.

A few days I would guess!

sqwee! I am looking forward to this. Thanks so much.

so i pulled down 1.27, and unfortunately there still seems to be a problem. Shader Forge window pops up when launched and instantly closes. it tried it in both a clean and working project. Any thoughts on this?

Are you sure you're running 1.27? Does it always happen, both when opening through Window -> Shader Forge, or only when opening it through the "open in shader forge" button on materials/shaders?

i'm sure its on 1.27, files are timestamped to today/yesterday. SF will not open from either method available. i get 20 some warning all about formatting when i import SF into my project, all similar to this... "There are inconsistent line endings in the 'Assets/ShaderForge/Editor/InternalResources/GPU Rendering/SFN_Parallax/SFN_Parallax_UV.shader' script. Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows.This might lead to incorrect line numbers in stacktraces and compiler errors. Many text editors can fix this using Convert Line Endings menu commands."

Seeing a version of this same error using UCLA Mesh Creator in App store with Unity 5.4. It throws a few others, but this first error seems to kick off the others. The initialization code appears consistent with docs for EditorWindow.GetWindow.

Load is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in OnEnable instead. Called from ScriptableObject 'MeshCreatorWizard'. See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details. UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String) MeshCreatorWizard:.ctor() UnityEditor.EditorWindow:GetWindow(Type, Boolean, String) MeshCreatorWizard:Init() (at Assets/UCLAGameLab/Editor/MeshCreatorWizard.cs:70)

There should be enough information there to replicate and either provide a fix or revise docs.