
Can't see node browser panel

milespeyton 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 8 years ago 9


I am running Shader Forge 1.27 and Unity 5.4 on OSX 10.11. When I open the editor this is what I see:

Image 660

For some reason, I can't see the node browser panel even when I toggle "show node browser panel" in the settings.

I'd appreciate any help!




This has now been fixed in SF 1.36

Hi, do you have any update on this, or suggestions for what I can do to fix it myself?

It's difficult for me to get started using the plugin when one of its basic features isn't working. If I'm having this issue, I imagine other users are as well.

Under review

No idea why this is happening, so I'm not sure when a fix will arrive. Any errors in the console? In any case, you can use the hotkey system in the meantime. (Hold a key such as N, and you'll see all available nodes that starts with that letter)

Hey Joachim, thank you for the reply. I just got this error, maybe it will help?

get_skinIndex is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in OnEnable instead. Called from ScriptableObject 'SFN_ComponentMask'.

See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details.

I also have this exact same problem by the way :)

Just a heads up, purchased SF v1.27 today from the asset store for Unity 5.4.0.f3 on Mac OS X 11.6 and noticed the same issue when enabling the Settings "Show node browser panel" check box doesn't work.

Also clicking the button "Return to menu" will undock the SF Tab. No errors in the console either, but everything else appears to work thus far.

I get the exact same error. Node browser panel not showing. Checking "Show node browser panel" doesn't do anything.

I run Shaderforge 1.28 on Unity 5.4.2f1 Personal on Mac OSX 10.11.6.

Just bought Shader Forge v1.3 on MacOS Sierra. I have the same problem. Node browser doesn't appear, and toggling "show node browser panel" makes no difference.

any updates on this?


This has now been fixed in SF 1.36