Not a bug

Flickering hue values

André 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 years ago 3

Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to ask for help, but I'll try. I have made a shader that randomizes the hue value on objects based on their position. But when I move or rotate the view in the editor or the camera in the game view some parts of the models flicker in different hues. Attaching a picture of node setup.

Thanks in advance!

Image 661


Not a bug

This is likely just due to batching, which can be disabled in the shader settings

Not a bug

This is likely just due to batching, which can be disabled in the shader settings

Hi thanks for the quick reply!

Disabling batching seems to fix the issue. I would really like to be able to batch these objects though :P Do you have any recommendations on how to get around this issue or any other method to achieve the same effect?


The culprit is the object position node. Find a way to get rid of that and yet get the same effect you want, and you've solved it :)