Not a bug

Node Previews wrong display.

AnxoDL 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 years ago 1

Hello everybody,

Right to the point, this is my problem. The shader on the mesh looks perfect, but the preview on the nodes which complicates me to get an idea about how is going to be the result.

Image 667

I have bought Shader Forge this week and I have Unity 5.4 recently installed.

Thanks for your help.

Have a nice day ^w^

P.D: I searched on the forum a problem similar to mine. But I haven't found it, if somebody knows about that I would appreciate to have the link.


Not a bug

Not sure if I understand you fully, but, this is likely because on the nodes themselves, you only see a single light source, while in the preview window or in-game, you'll see all lights affecting the object

Not a bug

Not sure if I understand you fully, but, this is likely because on the nodes themselves, you only see a single light source, while in the preview window or in-game, you'll see all lights affecting the object