Under review

Empty node to split shader interface into sections

bluntie 10 years ago updated by Laurens t Jong 10 years ago 5
Making my first fairly complicated shader with a lot of inputs, I pondered the opportunity for an empty node that I could use simply to make a sort of headline in the main shader interface. So for instance, I'd call it "NORMALS -----------------------------" and then underneath I'd have the inputs for Detail Normals, Main Normals, Overlay Normals and so forth. It would serve no other function than giving me a way to split my shader into categories for when the shader is actually being used.
Under review
It wouldn't be a node in that case, but something you add in the inspector order config in the left hand side panel. It's a pretty good idea though, and might happen in the future :)
Awesome, node or not, it would be a lovely feature to have. :)
Just wondering if this was impemented. For example the unity 5 shader has 2 sections Main Maps and Secondary Maps. With the labels. Is there a ways to add those labels in Shader Forge? Cheers
Not at the moment, but maybe in the future!
A way to cleanup the interface for the material editor would be very nice. Especially with the new PBS method where more and more inputs ( albedo, gloss, metal, AO, emissive etc.) are cluttering the interface.