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Time Node bug on reasigned connections

PXX 11 år siden opdateret af Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 år siden 6
Time Node: t*3 --> Sin -> Diffuse = /FADE IN AND OUT/
if reasigned the Connections a few time and Switch back to the first SetUp-> /Diffuse Stay Black/

Making new Nodes solves not this Problem, just new Shader without losing Connections
I can't reproduce this. Could you do a step-by-step guide?
ok, the only "bugg" is when i create a Time Node, and do nothing for 10-15minutes in Shader Editor (or play with another Nodes) , all "Time Nodes" will no longer work, i need to reload this Shader or sometimes restart Unity

I also have experienced sporadic non-functionality of the time node.  Usually fixed by loading the shader again and recompiling it.
Strange. Which platform are you running, and which platform is Unity targeting?
I've detected this on my Windows machine, with the platform target also windows.
Me too, WIn7 / Platform Win / Forward / DX11 an & off /  ... but today everything works fine..
I will stay tuned :)

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