Not a bug

Shaders displaying as black

liamwelton 10 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 10 years ago 4
Just downloaded this and something about my setup doesn't seem to agree with it. No matter what shader I attempt to use, in any scene (new or existing), the shader just shows up as solid black both in game an in the editor. In the Shader Forge window, it updates on the material preview fine.

I'm using Unity 5 <DX9> and I'm currently trying to create unlit shaders, though I've tried the example shaders and they're not working either.


Not a bug
Under review
Make sure your current render platform is checked in the shader settings. Also make sure that your scene has lighting. If it's a lit shader without any lighting, it probably turns up black. You'll also want to double-check your quality settings, and ensure that you support a few pixel lights
Yup, got a light in the scene, supporting 10 pixel lights, DX9 rendering enabled on the shader (I'm testing with the Tiles example shader) and it's still showing up solid black.

In fact, all the shaders in the Example scene, aside from the Custom Lighting + Outline one, show up as solid black too.

I've tried creating an entirely blank project and they work fine in that, so it's presumably got to be something to do with my project's setup. I've recently updated from Unity 4.3 to 5, so I'm wondering if that could have anything to do with it?
Aha, got it - Rendering path was set to lagacy vertex lit. Changed it to forward, it's all working now.