Under review

I'm getting this error in latest Unity as of this writing.

Victor Stan 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 8 years ago 8
Recursive Serialization is not supported. You can't dereference a PPtr while loading. (Constructors of C# classes may not load objects either eg. EditorGUIUtility.TextContent should be moved to OnEnable. See stacktrace.)
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:LoadAssetAtPath(String, Type)
UnityEditor.WindowLayout:LoadWindowLayout(String, Boolean)
I am also getting the same error upon launching my project, and not able to open the Shader Forge window at all. Recently updated Shader Forge incorrectly, then followed these instructions from the website:

For some people, upgrading seems to break SF. Here's what you can do to solve it:
1. If SF is open, close it
2. Delete the SF folder entirely
3. Reset the window layout of Unity
4. Install the new version of SF

Update: Just tried this in a fresh project and the Shader Forge window also does not open when selecting Window -> Shader Forge. Windows 8, Unity 5.2.0f3, Shader Forge 1.19. Works fine with same project on Mac OS 10.10.5, same Unity version.
Under review
That's not very good :(
Unfortunately I can't look into this until I have time for it, which is in a few days
This appears to be an issue with some Unity editor settings getting messed up. Unclear if it was caused by Shader Forge or something else. Other windows were also not opening after I wrote my first comment.

Here's what I did to get Unity back into working order. I'm not certain *all* of the steps are required, but including them all in case others run into this issue.
  1. Uninstall Unity
  2. Delete local Unity settings (everything under /ProgramData/Unity and [userpath]/AppData/[Local/LocalLow/Roaming]/Unity)
  3. Delete project Library
  4. Reinstall Unity (turns out 5.2.1f1 is the latest version as of writing)
  5. Open project
Hope that helps!
And then I ran into the issue again. It has to do with having multiple displays. Still unclear if this is completely a Shader Forge thing or not. Here are some actual repro steps:

  1. Open Unity
  2. Load a project w/ Shader Forge
  3. Move the Unity window into your non-primary monitor (my saved layout had the main Unity window in my 2nd monitor)
  4. Open Shader Forge
Result: The main Unity window becomes deselected and nothing else appears to happen. Upon closing/opening the project again, the Shader Forge window appears, and the errors from the original post show up in the console.

I was able to work around this by switching my primary monitor, since in my case it doesn't matter which is which.
I have only one monitor and I get the same error when I start Unity. SF 1.21, Unity 5.2.0f3
Yes, apologies for unintentionally hijacking this report. I initially thought the errors and the dual-monitor bug were the same thing. Further investigation shows that the dual-monitor bug affects things other than Shader Forge, and is therefore not a bug with Shader Forge. I also get the errors, but it no longer seems to affect operation of Shader Forge.

Repro steps, in case they help:
1. Install Shader Forge in a project
2. Open the Shader Forge editor window
3. Close and reopen Unity (so that the Shader Forge editor window opens on opening the project)

Result: the errors mentioned in the original report appear in the console.

I'm also getting this error since I added SF to my project.
I get two instances of the same error on opening the project. It only seems to make the error if I open the project and already had the SF window open, which I have been docking to a tab in the main editor space. The error doesn't seem to happen if the SF window was closed and then I open the project.
It doesn't appear to break anything or prevent me from doing anything, it's just annoying to have an error and sometimes the SF tab will close itself when I'm not using it.