À l'étude

Transmission, Light Wrapping shadow

vincent il y a 11 ans mis à jour il y a 11 ans 5
Image 123
Hi As you can see I'm trying to make a skin shader. The problem is when I use the Transmission and the Light Wrapping slots the shadow's of the directional light kind of blocks the effect. Is there a way around this?
Not that I can think of at the moment. Easiest way to "solve" it at the moment would be to disable shadow receiving on the object itself
Hey there.  I just picked up SF and was looking to try and get a skin shader going with it when I saw this thread.  This seems like a bit of a deal breaker if we can't use transmission and light wrapping together.  Is there some fancy work around here? Is it a problem with the shadow system more than the shader?  I'm not the most technical dude obviously, but if you point me some place that could help me develop a proper shader or shadow I can take it from there.
You can use them together very wel. The problem is the transmission and shadows. In the example the transmission is overpowered to show the effect. So normally it is not That noticable. And I did create a skin shader That made me happy. This was just a minor thing.