Shader nodes don't match up with properties & output

vfig 11 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 years ago 2
Through continuously editing a shader, experimenting with it to try out different effects, I have ended up with a shader that:

  • has a Node_1331 property despite no such node in the shader,
  • fails to use the Texture2D sample in the output, despite the preview,
  • in general, no longer responds reliably to edits
Screenshots and the shader files are in https://www.dropbox.com/s/86toajf85mf770b/shaderfo...

I had started adding nodes to planar map a cliff texture onto steep sections of terrain—which you can see in "Test Terrain2.shader"—and at some point the shader stopped working correctly. I then deleted nodes to try to simplify it and get it working again, and the result is "Test Terrain.shader", which has the broken behaviour described in the bullet points above, and is in the screenshots labelled "broken".

To confirm (mostly for my own sanity) that I wasn't doing anything wrong, I reimplemented the shader as "Test Terrain_Reimplemented.shader", and as you can see in the screenshots labelled "reimplemented", it worked just fine.


Ah, thanks for looking into it further :)
Glad it worked out!
Expect this is a result of me copying the shaders without changing their actual shader name.
Ah, thanks for looking into it further :)
Glad it worked out!