RGB to HSV color conversion and back?
There are some operations that work very nicely in different color spaces. Would this be a possible addition.

Possibly yes! There are two possible issues though. One is that it might be abused, because there will most likely be a lot of instructions involved, especially when going from RGB->HSV. The second is that Colors are conventionally between 0 and 1 (Well, 0 and 255, etc) in most programs, but in shader code, it can go beyond that. I suppose the hue would remain the same, saturation might need to overbright as well, and value will definitely need to be.
Anyhow, if people want this, I'll implement it post-release :)

Ha indeed making more intense Hue and Saturation would give some crazy effects if it went past 0-1 range. Then again for vertex colors which are stored in more precise float values it does allow for very large color range manipulation.

I wonder though - how does it handle saturation? Since saturation is doing a one-minus operator, it presumes that you aren't in any HDR range in this case. Does the algorithm handle it some way?


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