Not a bug

Need support for IBL gloss (specular reflection blurring)

Bryan Koszoru vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Freya Holmér (Developer) vor 11 Jahren 2
Hi, fantastic tool by the way!

I'm using SkyShop Diff and Specular cubemaps to light my materials, similar to how marmoset or Skyshop works.

Everything is hooked up and working, except for one seemingly missing feature: I don't have any way to blur the specular reflection map by gloss. Blinn/phong hightlights blur of course, but the IBL reflections stay pin sharp and so the shader can't fully support anything except full gloss IBL materials..

Skyshop and others handle this by creating MIPs of the specular cubemap, and then blend to a lower MIP for pixels that have a lower gloss value. I'm sure these MIPs already exist in the Cubemaps because I'm using Skyshop to generate them.  Is there any way to blur the specular IBL in a similar way using Shader Forge? Thank you!


Not a bug
Skyshop will release two nodes for Shader Forge soon, which will make it super easy to implement their cubes :)

To control the glossiness for now, multiply your gloss by a value around 6, and insert it into the MIP input of your specular cubemap
Not a bug
Skyshop will release two nodes for Shader Forge soon, which will make it super easy to implement their cubes :)

To control the glossiness for now, multiply your gloss by a value around 6, and insert it into the MIP input of your specular cubemap
That worked, thank you!

Additional note: looks like by default in that setup, black maps to full gloss, and white maps to full matte. Remapping 0 -1 values to 1 -0 gives the expected "black is matte, white is gloss" behavior
Ah, right, yeah, I forgot that you need a one-minus node too :)