Under review

Support for shader model 2.0

jcarpay 11 year бұрын updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 year бұрын 2
Flash3D doesn't support beyond SM 2.0. Would be nice being able to set the SM 2.0 pragma in the SF editor.
Hm, that's not a very nice limitation. SM2.0 is very limited in shaders.
I'm rather reluctant to work for Flash support, as it's something Unity themselves have backed away from, and probably for good reasons. I personally haven't seen many people use Flash either.
I agree. However, it's just when creating a shader in SF that doesn't exceed the SM 2.0 spec, I have to edit the shader and change the SM pragma line to 2.0 when creating a flash build. Not a very big deal, but it would be nice having the option to set the pragma (default should be 3.0 ofcourse) from a pulldown in the SF editor.