'vert' Program errors with math nodes
While trying to create a refraction shader based on the example Refraction, whenever Comp. Mask is run through a multiply (as in example), or its input is run through a Lerp (as in example) the preview turns pink and Unity displays an error "Shader error in 'Shader Forge/StainedGlass/': Program 'vert', invalid initialization. This also happens if the normal through a Lerp.
Unity version 4.3.2f1 and Shader Forge version 0.23
Unity version 4.3.2f1 and Shader Forge version 0.23
For some reason having a Texture 2D connected to the Specular input on Main fixed this, but only sometimes.
I can't seem to reproduce this. Could you do a step-by step guide on how you are able to reproduce the error? :)
Weirdly, I can't seem to reproduce this. I started a new Shader and used all the same components but it is working as expected. I don't have a lot of time to test right now, but I'll try it again when I do and let you know if I figure out how to reproduce it. Thanks for checking it out anyway!
Alright, I'll close this for now then! Reopen it if you bump into it :) It might be because of some completely unrelated issue
It looks like I've found a reproducible version of this bug. Using the alpha channel of a map marked Normal Map causes a Vert program error even in a clean install.
Ah, good catch. That's because normal maps doesn't have an alpha channel when unpacked. I should hide the A channel when it's marked as a normal map!
This has now been fixed in Beta 0.24 :)
(Texture2D nodes marked as normal maps will no longer have an alpha output, due to how Unity decodes their normal maps)
(Texture2D nodes marked as normal maps will no longer have an alpha output, due to how Unity decodes their normal maps)
Kundesupport af UserEcho
(Texture2D nodes marked as normal maps will no longer have an alpha output, due to how Unity decodes their normal maps)