
Shader Forge window frozen

rikorane 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 lat temu 1

The main window/tab for shader forge is frozen and won't close/move.  I can resize the window, but it won't minimize or close.  When I try to run shader forge again is just appears blank.  It also kills the frame rate when playing a level.  I'll close unity and reopen and the window comes back as blank again.  is there anyway to kill the window and start fresh? Or can I remove the shader forge stuff without messing up current materials I've used shader forge for?



This should have been fixed as of alpha 0.11 :)

This can be due to many issues, and it's a known one. Try clicking slightly below the close button in the SF window, and it should close properly. After that SF should be working again


This should have been fixed as of alpha 0.11 :)