Under review

Skyshop w/Lightmaps in Shader Forge issue

Tharyn Valavanis 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 2
We are achieving some incredible results with our in house shader built in ShaderForge and using the Skyshop nodes. 

This was a bear to track down, but we have zeroed in on a problem we have been having with Skyshop and Shader Forge.

What works and what doesn't combinations:
A. Works: Deferred -> Skyshop Spec -> Lightmap -> Spec Color (ONLY) ::: A SpecMap breaks this you can only use a SpecColor. (We need the SpecMap for control of complex dDo and SubPainter materials)
B. Works: Forward -> Lightmap -> Spec Color or SpecMap : Broken -> Skyshop Diffuse and Skyshop Spec have no effect.

How do we get one of the following working?
Forward w/Lightmap -> working with Skyshop
Deffered w/Lightmap -> working with SpecMap

One hack we are currently using to get around this is to pump Skyshop into the diffuse by adding it to the diff map. The obvious problem here is that you then don't have the normal map affecting the reflection. So its only a solution for smooth surfaces so its not a practical solution.

We could this this ourselves with custom lighting, but we don't know how to add Light-mapping in this mode...

Thanks in advance for the help!

Under review
I'll have to look into this after GDC I'm afraid, but thanks for the detailed report!
Thanks Joachim, have a good show.

We are forward to figuring this out. I'm happy to provide any examples you may need and test for you. Hit me up when your back.
