unity 5.3 beta PBR shader errors
Hi there,
I just started up the 5.3 beta and I'm having a few issues with the PBR shader. When i go to create a new one in an empty project I get this message -
And this -
I realise this kind of thing happens a bit with beta verisions but I thought I'd mention it incase no one else has and I think the release is just around the corner (the 8th or so).

Hello, the Asset Store still seems to be serving up only the v1.25 package as of today.

Okay, have it now, I tried d/l whilst still in 5.2.3. Can I suggest you put the minimum version req. in the "download new version" message on the Shader Forge about dialog?

I'm having problems with this line in multiple shaders (including your samples)
float specularPBL = max(0, (NdotL*visTerm*normTerm) * unity_LightGammaCorrectionConsts_PIDiv4 );
It's not able to resolve unity_LightGammaCorrectionConsts for some reason. Ideas?
Shader compiles fine if I forcein the raw constant value (3.141592653/4)

Yes I think it's okay now, I had some unexpected weirdness with the source controls systems there.
But please note that the packaged demo shaders don't work without being re-opened too :-)

Pretty sure I recompiled them before upload. Did you do a clean install? (Delete SF before importing the new version)

No, but it said it was replacing everything. It may have been lying about that. Hmmm.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This has now been fixed in 1.26