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how to use vertex color node to control the particle alpha?

darkbibi 11 лет назад обновлен 11 лет назад 2
hi joachim,shaderforge is a very great tool i like it very much.this is my problem,when i use particle system shuriken "color over life" and set shaderforge blend mode to addtive ,link the vertex color node to the alpha channel ,and then i set the value of alpha in the color over life to control the particle transparent but dosen't work


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Multiply the alpha by the RGB value, and it should work - at least when using additive rendering
Не ошибка
Multiply the alpha by the RGB value, and it should work - at least when using additive rendering
thanks,at addtive mode the alpha channel doesn't work whatever multiply  RGB or Alpha, i use the custom mode and set source to"sro to alpha"can fix the problem.but this time there is another problem,i link the refraction node to the main,when the alpha value of particle is 0,there is refraction,when the alpha value more then 0 ,the refraction effect is going down,when alpha is 255,no refraction.in this case i multiply texture alpha by RGB of vertex color,and use the particle color control the particle alpha.in this way maybe fix the problem . but sometimes for example make a swordtrail if i want to use vertex color to control particle color and alpha and use refraction also, Some problems may occur.

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