Under review

depth blend

vincent 11 years ago updated by JVraven 8 years ago 7
Is there a way to have the Depth Blend node mask out the Refraction? I have a water shader which blend the alpha near the edges of the pool to 0. The refraction is still visible near the edges.
Multiply the refraction amount with the output of the depth blend node
Then there is something wrong with my setup? The example is your example refraction shader.
Ah, no, that is a separate issue really. Refraction and depth nodes require quite a few interpolators, and it looks like it's overshooting the limit. Tricky issue, hm
would a single-pass for all refraction help with this? (We discussed it briefly a while back for optimisation)
Sadly no, but I do think I have a solution. The issue is that the UV coords for screen corrds and the depth sampling are different, but I think they can be combined.

Hello. Can you give an example of how to combine them?