
Fresnel and Refraction dont like each other

Pharaoh Zeus 9 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 9 years ago 3

Hey! Awesome asset!

I ran into a problem while creating a refractive material in the newest version of shader forge. I've checked a lot of documentation about making the material work (countless tutorials basically), and when I do what the tutor suggests, my shader returns pink with an error (about undeclared identifier 'viewDirection'.

Thanks in advance!



This has now been fixed in 1.25

Under review

While waiting for this to be fixed, you might be able to pull this off using your own fresnel setup (Dot between view vector and normal vector, then a one-minus node, then a pow node).

Thank you for the quick reply!

..but the problem is still there.. It might have something to do with the shader not declaring viewDir soon enough?


This has now been fixed in 1.25