
Vector nodes which supports inputs

hendersonandre 11 лет назад обновлен Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 лет назад 3

A vector 2 and vector 3 node with a input slots. Only reason I ask is because I would like to use the slider node to control each of the vector inputs  for uv speed if that makes any since.



This can be done with the append node. The Vector2/3/4 nodes are supposed to be constants :)


This can be done with the append node. The Vector2/3/4 nodes are supposed to be constants :)

1. Wow before I submitted this as feedback/ideas. I try to append 2 slider nodes with the append node to the Texture2D UV input and it did nothing.

So I assumed it was a bug or not possible as of now.

2. So now append it to the input UV of the panner node but that doesn't seem to work either. All I want to do is control the UV speed with the slider node. Does anyone know of a way to make this work.

When sending UVs to a texture, you generally don't want to have uniform UVs. UVs are usually not uniform values, so if you input uniform values (Such as sliders and constants) into a UV input, you will get the same coordinate across the entire mesh, giving you a flat color.

This means that in order to control the speed of panning, you need to alter a UV Coordinate node.

Panning is essentially adding a value to UV coordinates over time. (Multiplying would be scaling the UVs)

Here's one way of doing it:

Hope it helps :)

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