
Expression Evaluator

Tomáš Mariančík 11 років тому оновлено Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 років тому 2
I would like to see a simple expression evaluator node that processes the input values - nothing too complex (just some basic operations that are already implemented - addition, multiplication, sin, cos, min, max...), just so I can compact some calculation into a single node, rather than having to compose it from multiple nodes.

Maybe have two versions - one that works like arithmetic (processes one or more inputs, if the inputs are vectors, processes each component individually) and one that works like some vector operations - processes each component of the vectors and outputs a single value.


That would be pretty much the same as the custom node, that is planned :)
I'm closing this thread due to being somewhat a duplicate of:

(Let me know if you disagree!)
That would be pretty much the same as the custom node, that is planned :)
I'm closing this thread due to being somewhat a duplicate of:

(Let me know if you disagree!)
Oh, sorry, I didn't see that one since I was looking for expression evaluator. What I had in mind myself were really simple expressions (for example that you type in something like "min(x*2, y+0.5)" and it does just that, but I guess that's already planned with the custom nodes?).
With custom nodes, you'd essentially pick input types and output type, then in the code editor, you'd do:
return min(x*2, y+0.5);
Which means you can also do for loops, and anything else code related!

(At your own risk, of course) :)