
Help button/icon similar to unitys help icon/button

hendersonandre 11 year бұрын updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 year бұрын 1

It would be very helpful if each node had a mini help menu button. It could be similar to unitys little help icon which is located at the top right in the inspector of each component. Once activate it would show a little comment window at the base of each node which tells what the nodes does and what the input and out puts are for or you could have a section at the mid bottom of the graph editor which has the comment there when a node is selected.


As of Beta 0.15, you can view the node documentation by right-clicking on nodes :)

Tooltips, documentation etc are all planned, but currently other features are prioritized, as the documentation needs to be up-to-date and all :)

I'll probably en up having tooltips in SF itself, and also add links to read more from an official documentation on a SF website

As of Beta 0.15, you can view the node documentation by right-clicking on nodes :)