À l'étude

Changing ambient sources (lighting) worked for custom lighting in Unity 5!

Jordan Gabrielle il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Freya Holmér (Developer) il y a 10 ans 3
Hey, I'm using a custom lighting solution in shaderforge, using solid color ambient lighting works fine, but if I change it to gradient or skybox it will still simply stick with the solid color set.
À l'étude
Currently there's no way to access light probe data in custom lighting shaders I'm afraid. It may come in the future
That's totally alright, I was able with a bit of fiddling to get a better effect! You've done a great job with shaderforge man, one of my best unity store purchases :) . Look at this beauty http://puu.sh/ijOZv/52ed06a6d9.png !