

tom3d 12 years ago updated by Freya Holmér (Developer) 11 years ago 4

Just started up my Shader Forge project this morning and got a bunch of NullReference messages yelling at me. See Screenshot. (OSX again)Image 6



I haven't seen this happen in a long time, I'll mark it as fixed. If it happens in a later version, post in here and ask me to reopen it :)


I haven't seen this happen in a long time, I'll mark it as fixed. If it happens in a later version, post in here and ask me to reopen it :)

Hi My first impression of shader forge is really good:)the first problem i encountered was when I made a Caustic Shader today and it only seems to work when I have the Shader Forge Window open? Else I get a NullReferenceException

Hi, and thanks :)

NullReferenceException basically means "Something went wrong", as in, it doesn't help me figure out what went wrong unless I know how to reproduce the issue.

The animation thing is a known issue, and will be sorted in time (Pun intended)


the same problem happened to me yesterday with a simple shader, but maybe with too much nodes. And when I wanted to remove one of them, SF freeze (not Unity) and some errors and warning messages like this pops in the console. (V0.17 with Unity 4.3.2f1 Free)
Is it reproducible?
Could you open a new topic with a screenshot of the node tree of this issue?