Under review

Sample normal from heightmap

msperling 11 years ago updated by M. Dittmann 8 years ago 7
Could you add a node that creates a normal map based on a heightmap?
Regarding normal maps I only found this post that kind of scratches at the edge of the topic I am referring to and it seems to have an example node tree (Strumpy) that does what I want - but it bloats the tree alot to add all this stuff just for an operation that could be useful in many cases I guess:

You're asking two things in one thread it seems!
Do you want an unpack normal node or a node for extracting normal maps from heightmap data?
The latter would be the thing I am kindly asking for in this thread :)
The unpack normal node was a thing I've mentioned in the Polycount forums (I think) and you replied that you plan to add a "custom code node" somewhere in the future of SF.
Both - a custom unpack normal node and a sample normal from heightmap node - would be valid candidates for shader code wrapped up inside a "custom code node". But I think the "normal from heightmap" node will be useful for many artists. Eg. for water shaders/waves.
Well, I just tried it to see how it would work at the moment, without a node for it!

It's a bit of a mess, haha, but it works. A node for this would be useful yeah.

Looks cool :)
I'll borrow some of this for my node tree... until at some point we might see a node for this. Really, I 've never been happier with an asset bought for Unity. You rock!
Thanks msperling, I'm glad you like it that much!

Hi, is there a nod for it now? If not how do i make that alpha from the hight map you have there?