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How is my initial report now "not a bug"? My Shaderforge and Unity versions were/are up to date. How does Jay's report invalidate my issue?

Hadn't seen that. Thanks. Just did it then, including resetting the UI to factory default, but no change..

Thanks for the reply. Make sense now that you've explain the problem :)
Well, not supporting Deferred would probably explain that and some of the other issues I'm having. Sorry, must have missed that. In deferred it works great with all my other shaders. In forward, not so much. That's cool, I can wait for support or implement some work around's. Hopefully you get a chance to add it before we ship :) Thanks for the speedy replies.
I'm using Deferred rendering.
The SF shader on the sphere is set to off. 

The DepthBlend shader (clouds) is Alpha Blended
I've used Shader Forge for about 4 hours all up (it's great btw) and have wanted an undo function about 10 - 15 times already. My suggestion would be to implement something similar to Strumpy which simply uses a different command from Unity. Strumpy uses Alt+Z. Takes a little bit of getting used to but works totally fine. Maybe a little hint message in the editor window if you're worried about people not knowing it.