Your comments

As of Alpha 0.10, the nodes are moved using a new system. Could you see if the problem is still there? :)

This should have been fixed as of alpha 0.11 :)

This is probably due to mistakenly excluding opengl from the renderers

Edit: Looks like Open GL simply doesn't support Tex2Dlod :/

Edit2: Closing this! OpenGL only support tex2Dlod in the vertex shader, not the fragment shader, but that's another topic :)

Do you mean the actual node preview icons, that they don't respect the UV input, or the tiling and offset parameters that you get in the inspector? (Both are planned to work later, just curious!)

This is now fixed in Alpha 0.12! Main node connectors will now typecast both Vector1 and Vector2 to the format they require

This is quite an odd issue where the node connections lose their output type/component count when you open them, so it's not just the refraction shader! A workaround is to reconnect the inputs of the node(s) before the node that connects to the refraction

Edit: This is now fixed in Alpha 0.12 :)