Dine kommentarer
Hm, it should work. Did you try making a minimal refraction shader? (Bare minimum to get it to work)
10 år siden
It might work if you plug in spec and gloss, if you haven't already. Not entirely sure actually :(
Yes, just plug in a texture into the outline color input. Although it will most likely look a bit weird :)
Ah, good catch, thanks Jairo :)
It's a *very* specific node. Calling it threshold would be misleading, simply because it's not just one threshold, there are two. Adding a color to it makes it even less of a threshold node. The step node is as barebones threshold you can get.
It seems like too specific of a node, with too few use-cases to justify having it as a default one.
That said, nested node support is planned, in which case you would be able to create your own node using these :)
It seems like too specific of a node, with too few use-cases to justify having it as a default one.
That said, nested node support is planned, in which case you would be able to create your own node using these :)
I wasn't talking about doing it in code - there is a transform node that you can set to transform from view to world
You have to turn off depth write. Also, plug it into emission to see more clearly, otherwise it's affected by lighting
The step node is the threshold node:
And yeah, there should be a node for this down the line :)
This should give you either the camera forward or backward vector: Transform[ View to World ] <- Vector3[ 0, 0, 1 ]
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