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Transparency is not included in the RGB channels - transparency is in its own channel, the A channel.

In order to use transparency, you need to either use the A channel in the alpha clip input (for cutout transparency) or in the Alpha input (for partial transparency)
It wouldn't be a node in that case, but something you add in the inspector order config in the left hand side panel. It's a pretty good idea though, and might happen in the future :)
Thanks! Glad you like it :)
This might help until it's a node:

This has now been fixed in 0.37 / 1.00, thanks :)
The bug was present in the normal direction node as well
This seems to be a bug in the asset store, and it seems to happen occasionally. Not sure if there's anything I can do about it sadly!
It's planned, but I have a few other fundamental underlying systems to fix first :)
It doesn't support texture assets yet, you'll have to connect it directly in the meantime 
Well, not using a relay node, is one way of using texture assets :)