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Will fix this!

In the meantime, append a Value of 0 after the Sin node, making it a three-component color should make it multiply with the texture correctly

Found the issue, you're multiplying a Vector3 with a Vector2, which apparently doesn't work on the shader side yet! I'll rename this thread :)

Isolated error case:

It's, a strange setup. Panner isn't meant to be used on anything other than UV coords, but it shouldn't *break* with the setup you've got. I'll have a look

It's not cancelled out (Or rather, shouldn't be) by the real-time shadows, but it might be affected by it at the moment. Perhaps I did put the transmission in the wrong place - I'll have to look into it!

Doesn't have to be! Abs the Y output from the normals, then multiply it by itself, then multiply that by whatever texture you want on the Y plane. Repeat for all other planes, then add all results together :)

Remember, shaders are done on a per-fragment/pixel basis, so the conditions are checked for each fragment. If A > B, then it will output whatever is in the A > B input, and so on for the rest :)

It's not that expensive, it doesn't do any branching, but it evaluates all inputs. Just make sure the instruction count doesn't go through the roof :)