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This is one of those Unity bugs I believe. Their flipped projection check should most likely branch this, rather than me. If I flip it in SF, it might possibly break when Unity fixes it on their end, and I have to fix it again. Anyhow, I'll poke Unity about it :)
Sounds like you just need to change the tiling of the texture in the material :)
It should be built-in, yeah, thanks for tracking down the issue!
As of the Unity 5 update, Skyshop support was dropped in favor of the Unity 5 IBL. Check baked lighting in your lighting settings to enable light probe data, and check reflection probes to use those.
That's an import setting on the mesh, so, it should already be supported, no?
Duplicate of: http://shaderforge.userecho.com/topic/763629-alpha-material-not-receiving-shadow/
Currently there's no way to access light probe data in custom lighting shaders I'm afraid. It may come in the future