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You want this one:
Graphics.Blit(Texture, RenderTexture, Material, int);
1. Get the current screen contents into a texture, probably a render texture, called sceneContent
2. Blit into a RenderTexture, called hBlurredRT, using the horizontal blur material, which is using the horizontal blur shader
3. Blit again, into another texture called finalRT, using a material that has the vertical blur, having passed in the hBlurred RT
RenderTexture sceneContent; // RT with scene content
RenderTexture hBlurredRT; // RT with the scene, horizontally blurred
RenderTexture finalRT; // Final render, draw this to the screen after blurring
Material hBlur; // Horizontal blur material
Material vBlur; // Vertical blur material
Then, when you want to render:
Graphics.Blit(sceneContent, hBlurredRT, hBlur, 0); // Blur sceneContent with hBlur. Store the output in hBlurredRT
Graphics.Blit(hBlurredRT, finalRT, vBlur, 0); // Blur hBlurredRT vertically, using vBlur. Store in finalRT
Note that these assume that your main input texture is internally named _MainTex
Graphics.Blit(Texture, RenderTexture, Material, int);
1. Get the current screen contents into a texture, probably a render texture, called sceneContent
2. Blit into a RenderTexture, called hBlurredRT, using the horizontal blur material, which is using the horizontal blur shader
3. Blit again, into another texture called finalRT, using a material that has the vertical blur, having passed in the hBlurred RT
RenderTexture sceneContent; // RT with scene content
RenderTexture hBlurredRT; // RT with the scene, horizontally blurred
RenderTexture finalRT; // Final render, draw this to the screen after blurring
Material hBlur; // Horizontal blur material
Material vBlur; // Vertical blur material
Then, when you want to render:
Graphics.Blit(sceneContent, hBlurredRT, hBlur, 0); // Blur sceneContent with hBlur. Store the output in hBlurredRT
Graphics.Blit(hBlurredRT, finalRT, vBlur, 0); // Blur hBlurredRT vertically, using vBlur. Store in finalRT
Note that these assume that your main input texture is internally named _MainTex
A texture contains data, it's the same thing in this case :)
Just subtract 0.5 before plugging it into Alpha clip. However, using the full range, as in partial transparency, means you need to use proper alpha, not just alpha clip, as alpha clip is a binary operation
It is possible, but if you look at the site, there are two shaders, not one :)
So, you can make both of these shaders, render the first one into a Render Texture, then pass that render texture (RTBlurH) into the second shader.
So, you can make both of these shaders, render the first one into a Render Texture, then pass that render texture (RTBlurH) into the second shader.
This has been fixed in 1.05
This issue has been fixed in 1.05
That's the naive solution, yes. It would work in a specific case, but it wouldn't solve all cases. You need to branch based on:
1. Whether or not lightmapping is enabled on the object
2. If you're using deferred or forward
3. Which lightmap type you're using. Single vs Dual vs Directional
4. And, for me, whether or not you're using Unity 5
1. Whether or not lightmapping is enabled on the object
2. If you're using deferred or forward
3. Which lightmap type you're using. Single vs Dual vs Directional
4. And, for me, whether or not you're using Unity 5
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