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It's hard to tell what you're trying to do, but it seems like you want to fade away multiple overlapping objects?

In that case, it's not really possible to do that, unless you make very specific shader for each layer of transparency, making a unique shader for each layer, with a unique render order, with depth / Z buffer disabled. Auto depth sorting is always a problem that won't go away for a long time though. There are some workarounds though that many games tend to use these days - using alpha clipping / opacity clip, along with dithering. This doesn't have the same sorting issues, but it doesn't look as smooth.

No news on it at the moment, unfortunately quite busy with another project

For what purpose? You can use it for transformations using the transform node

There's currently no way of doing that, though there possibly should be a tangent input. It's rarely used, but it would indeed be useful. Right now you'd have to use a custom lighting shader if you want to use a custom tangent, which is possible, but a bit trickier to work with!

There's no way to control specific reflection probes at the moment, but SF does show the skybox reflections, if your scene has it enabled in the lighting settings!

Is your camera rendering depth? You need to do that for it to work in forward rendering. There is a component in SF included, that you can put on a camera to make it render depth when entering play mode

Make sure you have your material set up correctly, you may have missed a parameter that you had in SF. It could also be a scale issue either on the gameobject itself, or simply that you're using two vastly different sizes of meshes to test