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Will do, i will report the results, maybe i didn't press the checkbox for don't write to depth buffer, thanks Joachim :)!

Btw do you have paypal for donations ?
You can close this one since it's fixed!
As soon as i get to the office i will do it! 
Here you go but please use the forum for ask for a shader, since this is not a bug and update your Shader Forge!!!
Okey sorry for reopen this but the issue is still there, i got confuse because i change the material.

The shader is now without the normal input and i still have that error i attach a screenshot for a better view of the issue.

With other shader it works perfect, it's very weird.

Additional info: It only happens in double sided mode.
No, you are right in the documents it doesn't say anything about pro, but since this uses render textures to get it, you can't do it, so if you are on Unity Indie like me, forget about blend waters with terrains, and more things :S
I think it's because you are using Unity Indie, this one don't support this.
Okey my bad i put the node connected to a normal and i don't know why, now it works perfect, apologies, you can close it and mark it as no error.