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Thanks for the reply.

Changing the target platform does not change much, removing the light map and light probes helps but we are actually using them :-/

My infos were a bit wrong 27.000 lines are only true when using the PBL setup. We are actually using the Basic Setup and the shader has around 18.000 lines. But "Build Report" still shows it at around 3.5mb. When saving the compiled shader it is about 584kb. If you zip that it is 30kb so not really and issue for IPA size...

The shader has some switches for the artist to make their life easier. Things like select whether to use U or V coordinates, invert direction and so on, other that that just some simple math and linear interpolators. I have uploaded both the source and the result here: http://we.tl/jjZ5Sp0m9Q I was using 1.25 but will update now right away...

Thanks for having a look!