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Is there any chance that problem will be fixed or it's somewhere above shader forge?

In other words to make a part of model unlit

I think it is not a bug. Not only texture2d but many others nodes lead to this error. Sometimes even creating of new node. Looks like random ID-nodes generation without checking of existing ID. Nasty thing especially if you have a real huge node tree.

Almost forgot. Here I created a custom light dir from two vectors. And it works with coockie I could use it but I have no solution for light atten

Still no any answer. So I decided to add video example.

Is there a way to fix it somehow or the reason of this is not SF?

Unity 5.6.1f1 SFv1.36 but in fact it never worked properly

All the same. May be we do something wrong. The simple PBS-shader shows correct specular.

I have not checked Unity5.5.0. I'll do it now

Was downloaded SF 1.33 with unity5.5.1. It looks like specular still broken. There are more problems also with cubemap. We use custom IBL-lighting. Our own cubemaps as ambient light and specular by this way.

And here what we have.

It looks like in unity5.5.1 Diffuse Ambient Light works wrong. And one more thing it seems like NormalDir node doesn't work because cubemap reacts on view angle changing.